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  徐天润,1945年于上海出生,早年在多间著名的艺术工作室接受素描及油画训练,随后完成学院教育的艺术及设计课程,并投身艺术绘画及商业设计界。70—80年代于上海参加各届美术展及全国性联展:在上海大学、交通大学及上海商校等教授素描、设针、雕塑及陶瓷裸程。1985年获得上海市美术作品展览的金奖。1986年,移居香港。1987-94年于王欧阳建筑设计事务所任高级设计师。 80—90年代曾参舆多次香港及束南亚地区性联展。1987—96年间,作品曾多次入选当代香港艺术双年展。近年在香港的个展活勤亦相当频繁。   Tsui Tin Yun ,born in 1 945 in Shanghai,Tsui has received,since young。sketching and oil painting training in famous art studios in Shanghai.This was followed by academic studies in art and design.resulting in a career in art and industrial design.In the 70‘s and 80。s.he participated in local as well as national exhibitions and taught sketching,designing,sculpture and ceramics at Shanghai University,Transportation University,and Shanghai Business Sch001.He won a gold medal at Shanghai Business Schoolin 1 985。ln the next year he settled in Hong Kong.From 1 987 to 1 994 he was senior designer at Wong&Ou Yang Design Ltd.In the 80‘s and 90‘s he participated in various exhibitions in Hong Kong and South East Asia.Between 1 987 and 1 996 his w0rs were selected for the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibitions and in recent years he has been fully occupied with solo exhibitions.
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